When Easter comes around and it comes time to choose which tea you're going to have around family gatherings, there's a few we'd recommend over others. Let's take a quick look at what we think are the best matches, taking into consideration the weather and that this is a holiday season.
Teas you should have around at Easter time
Easter falls around a time of year that is when it starts to get quite a bit cooler. Of course all tea is hot, but some tend to have a longer lasting and internal warming effect than others. An easy first pick is going to be Ginger tea. We have actually seen an increase in orders for this one leading up to Easter, with many customers seemingly feeling the same way as us about this tea this time of year!
Ginger tea is of course known for its warming effects, and also doubles up in aiding with digestion and even nausea (if you've eaten too much). A pretty good practical choice!
Another closely related pick would be Chai tea. Almost any variation would do, but we'd probably recommend Chai Dreams which closely resembles your traditional chai mix and components. Containing many ingredients known to warm such as cinnamon, cloves and black pepper - it's pretty hard to go past this pick for a cold seasonal holiday.
Another reason we chose this is for the taste alone. It's just an amazing gathering drink that's a bit different, but easy for newcomers to like.
If you're unsure on how to prepare chai tea, check out our blog post here.
Moving forward with the theme of taste and warming, hot chilli chocolate is a bit of an adventurous and ambitious risk if you're unsure if your friends and family would enjoy a bit of spice but if they are - we've love you to give it a try. In all honesty it's really not 'spicy' per say but does still contain the taste of chilli. This is balanced very well with a chocolate flavour that takes any sting out, making it quite enjoyable for a majority of people.
When at a gathering it's also hard to go past many of the teas within the tasty tea range our French Earl Grey is a great example of crowd pleasing tea.