herbal teas for 2025 header image

If you’re just getting into the world of herbal teas this January then you’ll love sampling our top herbal teas for 2025! Full of wonderful health benefits and a taste you won’t get enough of, organic herbal teas are absolutely the way forward when it comes to healthy hydration!

Hibiscus Tea

The barbie of the tea world who can take on anything and still be sweet! Hibiscus tea is one of our all-time bestsellers and for good reason. 

It’s caffeine free and has been shown to lower your blood pressure so it really is perfect to start your January mornings. We love to enjoy our hibiscus tea both warm and over ice but it’s honestly perfect to use in baking too!

Pine Needle Tea

If you’re hot on your Chinese medicine then you’ll know all about the benefits of winding down with a cup of pine needle tea. It’s jam packed full of vitamins and minerals to help give you a little boost at the start of the year. 

In Chinese medicine, pine needle tea has a variety of uses including: 

     Helping with hormonal imbalances

     Aiding the recovery of any vision related problems

     Being an effective antiviral


Of course, you might just enjoy it in your regular tea rotation!

Mullein Tea Coarse Leaf

If you ever experience any problems with your lungs them you definitely need to stock up on our wonderful blend of mullein coarse leaf tea. 

Many of our customers enjoy drinking this tea for some relief with bronchial issues but other reviews have shown it to be incredibly effective at treating heartburn as well as indigestion! Mullein tea is totally caffeine free with a slightly sweet earthy taste you’ll love so why not give it a go?

Blue Butterfly Peaflower Tea

Our blue butterfly peaflower tea is organically grown in Thailand and will certainly impress your tea party guests! It has a delicate flavour that most tea lovers adore and you can easily change its colour by adding a spritz of lemon juice. 

The delicate flavours of this refreshing blend make it absolutely perfect for enjoying all summer long. With a little lemon and agave syrup added to your blue butterfly peaflower tea you’ve got yourself a refreshing summer mocktail that is healthy too!

Chamomile Tea

One of our classic herbal teas is chamomile and with so many incredible benefits, it’s easy to see why it has become so popular! 

Most people already know that chamomile tea is a popular aid for a relaxing night's sleep but not many tea drinkers use it to its full potential. When consumed regularly, chamomile tea is a wonderful tool for stress relief and anxiety making it a great blend for the new year!

Blue Lotus Flower Tea

You’ve got so many awesome benefits to enjoy when you choose to sip on blue lotus flower tea so it’s great if you’re simply on a health kick! 

Antioxidants are one of the ingredients that gives things a bit of a superfood status so what better way to increase your intake than by sipping on tea? Blue lotus flower tea is also a great sleep aid, natural relaxant and boosts your overall wellbeing so it is fantastic during flu season.

Goodnight Sleeping Tea

Our goodnight sleeping tea is a very special blend of chamomile, peppermint, lemon balm and blue butterfly peaflower tea specially designed to help you get a better quality nights sleep. 

We love adding this to gifts for new parents or shift workers struggling to drift off during the daytime as it just gives you enough of a boost to fall asleep and stay asleep leaving you feeling rejuvenated every morning!

Green Tea First Harvest

Green tea is an absolute favourite blend for many but our green tea first harvest is something really quite special! In Japan, the first harvest blend of green tea is especially prized and known as ichibancha or first tea. 

You may be wondering why it is so prized. Well, you’ve simply got to taste it! This tea has a little sweetness that you don’t normally get with green tea and other flavours that you only get with the first harvest of a green tea plant!

Shop Our Bestsellers Today

Have a little browse of some of our bestselling products to find the perfect match for your needs! We’ve got a huge selection of different organic herbal teas packed right here in Australia so you can stick with your favourites or try something new!

herbal teas for 2025 infographic
Blue lotus flower teaBlue peaflower teaChamomile teaGoodnight sleeping teaGreen teaHerbal teasHibiscus teaMullein teaPine needle tea

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